
Associate, Heritage and Governance Specialist

Mr Fareed Chuttan

Mr Fareed Chuttan holds a Bachelor of Arts in Administration from the University of Mauritius. He has had broad-based and intensive involvement in the heritage and government sectors in Mauritius that bring invaluable experience and insight. Over the years he has fulfilled various roles in Government, including as the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Arts and Culture. He was Senior Chief Executive and Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection until November 2019. In previous years he also fulfilled administrative roles for the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Training and Skills Development, the Ministry of Housing and Lands and the Ministry of Works. Mr Chuttan has an in-depth understanding of a range of heritage issues, including Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) development and the workings of UNESCO. He has actively contributed to, reviewed and managed the outputs of numerous consultations and proposals in the fields of heritage and the built environment.