
Marine & Coastal

Coastal areas attract humans for a variety of reasons and are under immense pressure the world over. When these rich and diverse ecosystems are degraded they no longer possess the same capacity to provide goods and services to the people that so much depend on them. This can lead to decreased food security and an overall rise in poverty. Wise use of marine and coastal resources requires an integrated approach and the involvement of all parties – especially the resource users – in policy development, planning and management. EcoAfrica promotes an increased awareness about the value of these precious resources and their benefits if used sustainably, as well as the consequences of destructive activities.

Our work includes:

  • Increasing awareness levels among local communities, planners and decision makers
  • Developing Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Plans for coastal areas
  • Researching marine resources and biodiversity using a variety of techniques
  • Assessing resource use patterns by the local communities
  • Socio-economic assessments of marine and coastal resources
  • Conduct environmental awareness programmes and activities
  • Plan and implement Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Marine Conservation Areas (MCAs)

Developments in coastal areas globally are causing growing and conflicting demands on the natural resource base. Irreversible degradation of these resources can undermine their capacity to sustain human society. 

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