
Cultural Heritage and Tourism Consultant

Ms Thamary Mukuya

Ms Thamary Mukuya holds a MA degree in Archaeology attained at the University of Zimbabwe and an Honours Degree in Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies attained from the Midlands State University, Zimbabwe. Professionally, Thamary is a member of the Association of Southern African Professional Archaeologists (ASAPA). Thamary’s areas of research interest include the documentation of cultural and archaeological heritage properties, heritage marketing, conservation and preservation, presentation and interpretation, heritage, and archaeo-tourism development.

Thamary’s work ethic is fundamentally governed by heritage resource sustainability principles, where both cultural and natural resources are used sustainably to empower the present generation whilst resources are adequately preserved for future generations. Additionally, Thamary’s work ethic is also propelled by the belief that local communities must be involved in the management of their own heritage. 

Her Masters thesis focused on the relationship between people and animals in the present day eastern Zimbabwe in order to provide insights into how people lived long ago and to solve archaeological puzzles related to archaeo-zoological studies. Her intellectual interests are also in seeing the application of Information Technology towards the management of heritage and her Honours dissertation looked into the possibility of adopting a virtual museum to enhance the dissemination of heritage information for museums with special reference to the Zimbabwe Museum of Human Sciences.

As part of the EcoAfrica team, Thamary has worked extensively as a Consultant on Heritage and Tourism projects. Recently, she worked on a Heritage Tourism Feasibility Study for Morija and Matsieng Heritage Tourism Development Project, Lesotho. She also worked on a Feasibility Study, three Park Management Plans and a Tourism Development Plan for the Lesotho Northern Parks, as well as in the development of a Biosphere Reserve Management Plan for Lesotho’s first Man and Biosphere Reserve for UNESCO. More recently, she was involved in the development of the Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape World Heritage Site IMP and the Sibhudu Cave ICMP in South Africa. She is currently involved in the Development of a National Buffering Mechanism Policy for World Heritage Sites in South Africa, the development of Core and Buffer Mechanism Guiding Manual for Barberton Makhonjwa World Heritage Site in the Mpumalanga province, development of an Integrated Conservation Management Plan and preparation for the Nomination of Border Cave as a Grade 1 Site as well as the implementation of the ‡Khomani Cultural Landscape (KCL) Interpretation Centre.